The Me.nimalist

'Where soul speaks in writing'

I’m 25 and I’m doing nothing!

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In a few months, I’ll be leaving 25 behind and I’m still stuck to the terrified, child-minded coward dog who follows what fate beholds.

It’s been a while (I’m never tired of saying this at every beginning of my essays. or vlogs) I’m never consistent in everything I start with. Now, I’m writing again because I watched Set It Up. The lead lady had never started nor finished any article for she loops herself with excuses. Plus her boss was a time-eater.

That I realized, I have completely forgotten writing in my blog. It’s like it never existed. and look at the words I’m using. It’s like the work of a middle school student who is asked to write an essay full of fragmented speech!

Perhaps, writing is really not my strength. Why did I start doing blogs anyway?

That I have to remind myself. because I pity my 25 years old me writing below his level. I should be writing complex sentences now that go straight to the target. I should display these factors for I’m teaching it to my students. I’m an English Teacher for my student’s sake!

Had I been so hard to myself? If being hard to myself will push and prepare me to be better. I should stop putting up a pity-party and reassess my strengths. What are the things I’m good at that I wanted to still hone? What are the things I should be dropping off the school bus?

I have to choose my battles and set the priorities for I’m not getting any younger. Have to man up this time! I’m freaking 26 in 4 months!

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About Me

Disposed in the dusty scorching heat of Saudi Arabia, I am a diarist who tells my life story. I write through the urge of my gut and impulse. The spur of the moment is usually my way of narrating my feelings away in the most significant times of my life. I am simply here to note down these momentous events. Nothing else.
