The Me.nimalist

'Where soul speaks in writing'


  • What Feeds My Heart?

    11:40 am in Saudi Arabia, I’m currently working on my presentation in English. A revision activity for my students while listening to the great and angelic voices Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Suddenly I smiled. When the sax played it solo in the background makes me traverse into a different dimension. I realized I still… Continue reading

  • I’m 25 and I’m doing nothing!

      In a few months, I’ll be leaving 25 behind and I’m still stuck to the terrified, child-minded coward dog who follows what fate beholds. It’s been a while (I’m never tired of saying this at every beginning of my essays. or vlogs) I’m never consistent in everything I start with. Now, I’m writing again… Continue reading

  • New Year of Plainly Exciting Things

    2019! The first time I celebrated a new year overseas. It is quite a mix of feelings as I video called my mom and Nofel. It must have been difficult for them too to celebrate an extraordinary new year without me. The feeling is mutual. Well, the fight is not over. It has just started.… Continue reading

  • Shookt in the Desert

    Hey world! I missed writing so much. And as per usual, I was in pause for a little while due to the fact that I transitioned to the next phase of my life. You heard it right! I was successful in achieving my goal that by the time I age 25, I already had flown… Continue reading

  • Taking Care of Indifferences

    This will be my first entry for 2018. Really? This blog is going to its 2nd year? I can’t really imagine the gap where was I up to where we’re at. A lot of things had gone – good and bad times had flown away. We are still kicking and standing. Good job for us!… Continue reading

  • Unbuttoned

    (Note: I’m remaining to be positive as I finish this blog) Hey Blog. Missed me? I have been busy, I’m sorry If I haven’t visited you for quite some time. These common excuses are pinning me in the couch even though you’re one click away. You’re actually in my bookmarks. That’s why it’s so odd… Continue reading

  • Yearning Awakens

    Let me start by stating, I’m leaving 23 behind in 2 days. I have been blessed throughout the year. I sensed growth and maturity. There were misfortune and progress that honed me and it was just amazing to reminisce those times. It was planned and done and it all taught me valuable lessons. I grew… Continue reading

  • Deep Sigh

    It’s hard to live in a very demanding world. Expectation kills softly until it has totally eaten you up. It pains me that I can’t live freely out of demands and expectations. Tears are flowing inside. They have to be. They can’t go out because I don’t let them. I’m beginning to alter into someone… Continue reading

  • Refine and Refocus

    I came across an article about the signs of a busy life. After reading every single tip, I have to admit, My life is full of clutter. This has to stop right here. I have to remake myself and gain redemption out of this troublesome clutter-full life. Let’s validate those tips and realize what I… Continue reading

  • Rinse and Rise

    “Everyone fails but not everyone looks up with pride and hope. Have faith and it will happen.” I failed the examination. It did leave an impact to me – Negative impact. I know myself when this kind of situation comes. I let myself get eaten up by the mellow and be sad for a day,… Continue reading

About Me

Disposed in the dusty scorching heat of Saudi Arabia, I am a diarist who tells my life story. I write through the urge of my gut and impulse. The spur of the moment is usually my way of narrating my feelings away in the most significant times of my life. I am simply here to note down these momentous events. Nothing else.
